What’s Your Cause?
Diego loves helping animals! That’s his cause.
What will be your child’s cause (or causes!)?
Even little children can do surprisingly big things to help make the world a better place. They can help the environment and animals; the homeless and hungry; the sick and the elderly! They can support local schools, libraries, or other non-profit organizations or efforts that make a difference.
Parent/Caregiver Tip: It can be hard for adults to talk about big societal problems with children; we want the world to be perfect for our kids! Talking about big problems with children in language that they can understand helps them make sense of the things that they see and experience in the world around them. Then, they can think of ways to help make things better.
What's Your Cause?
- None
- Let’s talk about a big problem that’s important to us. For example, we might feel strongly about helping animals, helping the environment, promoting education equality, or helping the homeless.
- No one person can solve these big problems alone, but EVERYONE can make a difference — even when you’re small!
- Let’s imagine what it would be like if this problem was solved. Let’s draw a picture showing what the world would look like.
- Let’s brainstorm a list of ways that YOU and I can help. We can make a lemonade stand to raise money, register voters, argue our case to push for change … and much more!
- Even if you’re small, you can help to make the world a better place!