Share With Those in Need
Peppa Pig and Rebecca Rabbit know that sharing can be challenging, but that it feels good when you do it!
Help your child get that feel-good feeling that comes from sharing with others by choosing a few outgrown or unused toys to donate to other children.
Children grow fast and their interests can change and grow, too! Getting in the habit of regularly donating to local charities will help your child learn to feel good about helping others in need.
It can be hard for children to let go of their possessions. Choosing to donate even one toy is a step in the right direction!
Parent/Caregiver Tip: You can be a role model for your child by donating some of your clothes or gear to charity, too! Pack a bag or two with clothes and household items that you no longer need and bring the kids along to deliver the bags to a local charity.
Who Needs It? (For toddlers)
- Unused Toys, Box
- Let’s share like Peppa Pig and Rebecca Rabbit!
- We’ll work together to fill this box with toys that you don’t need anymore! Let’s put the box on the floor nearby.
- I’ll look through your toys and choose some to donate. I’ll hand you toys and ask you to drop them into the box.
- Let’s count the toys in the box! How many toys do we have to donate?
Who Needs It? (For Little Kids and Big Kids)
- Bags or Boxes
- Let’s share like Peppa Pig and Rebecca Rabbit or your own favorite kind-hearted characters!
- Let’s look through your toys and select some to pass along to someone else.
- We can look for toys that you’ve outgrown, toys that you don’t play with often, or duplicate toys.
- Let’s sort your toys into two categories: toys that you will use and toys that you can donate.
- When we’re done, let’s count the toys in each category. How many are you going to keep and how many will we donate?
- Let’s pack up the toys to donate along with some other items from our home that we no longer need and bring them to a local charity.
- Let’s think of other ways that we can help the charity! What things do they need that we can help them get?