August 5, 2021
by admin
Kindness Bucket

Each of us has different feelings — and each of us has an impact on how other people are feeling!
Through Kindness Bucket, an activity created by our partners at Project Rangeet, families can practice being “bucket fillers,” people who think of others feelings and contribute to others’ happiness and wellbeing.
This activity is a jumping off place for conversations about how to understand others’ feelings and how to show kindness to yourself and others.

Project Rangeet: Kindness Bucket
Make and fill a "bucket" for each family member with kind words to help them feel good!
Age Groups: Big Kids, Little Kids
Skills: Empathy, Feelings
- Paper, Scissors, Colored Pencils/Crayons/Markers, Other Art Supplies to Decorate
- Let's watch Carol McCloud read aloud her book "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?"
- Now let's make buckets for each member of OUR family or class and fill them with kind thoughts!
- We can cut two-dimensional buckets out of paper or make buckets out of cardboard boxes. Let's decorate the buckets!
- Now let's write or draw at least one kind message for each member of our family or classroom — including ourselves! — and put it into the right bucket.
- How do you feel when your bucket fills up? How do you feel when you help to fill up someone else's bucket? How does it make them feel?
- Let's talk about things we've done recently to fill our own buckets and our friends' and family members' buckets.