July 7, 2021
by admin
A Friend Like You!
The Bubble Guppies love dancing together!
Have YOU and your child ever tried a partner dance like the cha-cha or swing? Moving in sync, complementing each other’s moves, and supporting each other can be challenging, but it can help teach important lessons related to friendship. When you dance together — moving to the same beat, coordinating your movements, and being careful not to step on each other’s toes — you’re helping your child to learn to be a good friend.
Wiggle and move to this month’s Big Heart Beats song, “A Friend Like You”!
Parent/Caregiver Tip: Research shows that dancing helps all people — young and old — to form friendships! (Source: Why Dancing Leads to Bonding, Scientific American)

A Friend Like You Dance (For Babies)
Age Groups: Babies
Skills: Gross Motor, Self Regulation, Trust
- Let’s listen to the Noggin Big Heart Beats Album song “A Friend Like You”!
- Let’s sit or stand and hold hands, swaying our bodies to the beat.
- Let’s see if we can hold hands and move in sync for the whole song!
Touch - to feel with the fingers
Together - at the same time
Sway - to move back and forth

A Friend Like You Dance (For Toddlers and Little Kids)
Age Groups: Little Kids
Skills: Gross Motor, Self Regulation, Trust
- Let's play Noggin’s Big Heart Beats Album song “A Friend Like You.”
- Let’s hold hands and sway our bodies to the beat.
- Now let’s march to the music. I’ll start and you can follow me.
- Now I’ll move my body in a new way — can you follow along and copy what I do?
- Let’s keep going until the song ends. It’s great to have a friend like you, too!
Follow - to go along or come behind
Together - at the same time
Sway - to move back and forth

A Friend Like You Dance (For Big Kids)
Age Groups: Big Kids
Skills: Gross Motor, Self Regulation, Trust
- Let’s listen to Noggin’s Big Heart Beat Album song “A Friend Like You.”
- Let’s choreograph a dance for the two of us that goes along with music.
- You can think of the first dance move, and I’ll follow along. Now it’s my turn to add to the dance. Try to copy my move.
- When we’ve devised all of our dance moves, let’s dance together! Let’s try to move in sync for the whole song.
Follow - to go along or come behind
Together - at the same time
Sway - to move back and forth