in partnership with Presented by Welcome to Big Heart World! Grow confident, caring children who make the world a better place! About Big Heart World

Things are tough right now.You've got this!

Noggin's Big Heart Beats Album

Listen, sing, and dance along to Like Nobody Else, the first song from Noggin’s Big Heart Beats album. Like Nobody Else, a song composed and performed by Alex Geringas and William J. Fuller, is a celebration of individuality.

Families and educators: Discuss the words in Noggin’s original music video with your children to help them explore the qualities and attributes, passions and skills that make them special. Click below to read an interview with the creators of the song, read the lyrics, find related games, and more! 


Why LearnHeart Skills?

In the early years, children’s brains are wiring up. They’re learning math, literacy, and science skills. They’re growing strong muscles. Social and emotional learning is at the HEART of it all as children learn to understand themselves and how they relate to others. The heart is a MUSCLE and growing kids with strong hearts takes practice. Start early and stick with it!

Little Kids, Big Hearts Podcast

Little Kids Big Hearts

Little Kids, Big Hearts is a new podcast that can help parents and educators introduce big topics in social and emotional learning to their children. The podcast, which is hosted by an early childhood educator and social-emotional learning coordinator, will explore what it means to have a big heart and how to grow one with episodes focused on identity, friendship, and standing up for what’s good.

Panel Discussion: The Resilient Generation

A Big Heart World panel discussion, hosted by The 74, helping families navigate pandemic social and emotional challenges. Featuring:

  • Janelle Bradshaw, CEO of Public Prep
  • Dr. Dana Crawford, a pediatric clinical psychologist and scholar in residence at Columbia Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
  • Dr. Ryan Padrez, a pediatrician at Stanford and Medical Director at The Primary School

Big Heart World & National Head Start Association Bring Live Music to Classrooms

Sing and dance to Noggin’s Big Heart Beats album and other music about identity and belonging. Tuesday, April 27 was the first session of NHSA in the Classroom created in collaboration with Big Heart World. 

Big Heart World’s #SEL music classes will be the last Tuesday of the month through December 2021! Any parent/caregiver or educator with preschoolers is welcome to join, whether the children in your care are in a traditional preschool or learning through play in your living room!

Next Music Class: May 25, 2021 @ 11:30 AM EST. Please register in advance for the National Head Start Association’s Zoom meetingAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Play-Based Learning Activities

Four Ways to Calm Down
Reflecting on Identity
Identity and Belonging
Grow A Real Life Superhero

Stay in Touch With Big Heart World!

    Noggin's Big Heart Beats Album

    Sing, dance, and use the songs to help children grow big hearts.

    Learn Through Play: Big Heart World Activities

    Games, art projects, and activities to help children grow big hearts!


    Blog: From Our Heart to Yours

    Articles from experts that help adults take care of themselves and grow big-hearted kids.

    Just Wondering

    Parents, caregivers, and educators have a lot of BIG questions about social and emotional learning, especially right now. Share Qs and get As from experts and each other.