Things are tough right now.You've got this!
Discussing Race With Young Children
Most parents say kids aren’t ready to talk about identity, race, and racism until they’re in elementary school, but children are noticing and having questions starting as babies and toddlers! Find out how your family can start a meaningful conversation with your young children — aged 2-6 — using our new guide, “Discussing Race with Young Children: A Step-by-Step Activity Guide.” Visit our new interactive guide for families (and the companion guide for educators) for an action-oriented guide that can spark the conversation with the toddlers and littles in your life.

Why LearnHeart Skills?
In the early years, children’s brains are wiring up. They’re learning math, literacy, and science skills. They’re growing strong muscles. Social and emotional learning is at the HEART of it all as children learn to understand themselves and how they relate to others. The heart is a MUSCLE and growing kids with strong hearts takes practice. Start early and stick with it!

Little Kids, Big Hearts Podcast

Little Kids, Big Hearts is a podcast for kids and families that can help parents and educators introduce big topics in social and emotional learning to their children. The podcast, which is hosted by Todd Loyd, an early childhood educator and social-emotional learning coordinator, explores what it means to have a big heart and how to grow one with episodes focused on identity, friendship, and standing up for others.
In our newest episode, “Imagination Time,” three kids, Shaelan, Sameia, and Hunter, join Todd to help the Mayor of the Qook-a-lackas to design a new playground for the Qook-a-leekies.
Listen on our website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts!
Big Heart World Community Colors Project
Put Yourself on the Map, and Celebrate Each of Us
Noggin's Big Heart Beats Album
“Celebrate our Difference” by Oh, Hush!, Grayson DeWolfe, and Mattrik helps us celebrate the differences that make us special — and encourages us to spread kindness.
Sing and dance along with the whole Big Heart Beats Album to learn about social and emotional skills — from friendship to upstanding — through music.

Grow Big Hearts and Learn Together!
Stay in Touch With Big Heart World!

From Our Heart to YoursExpert Tips from our Blog

Noggin's Big Heart Beats Album
Sing, dance, and use the songs to help children grow big hearts.
Learn Through Play: Big Heart World Activities
Games, art projects, and activities to help children grow big hearts!
Blog: From Our Heart to Yours
Articles from experts that help adults take care of themselves and grow big-hearted kids.
Just Wondering
Parents, caregivers, and educators have a lot of BIG questions about social and emotional learning, especially right now. Share Qs and get As from experts and each other. Email us at support@bigheartworld.org.